Guides / Charters

exotic, game, jigging, lure, offshore, popper, saltwater, sport

Nomad Sportfishing is truly one of those once in a life type adventures that you have to do again and again!

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exotic, game, jigging, lure, offshore, popper, saltwater, sport

Ocean Blue Extreme Sport Fishing is a premier guiding fishing operation operating out of Port Havana, Vanuatu. They offer Half Day, Full Day and Extended  charters. Most of the charter operations operate out of Port Villa, however Ocean Blue and on the other side of the island and specialise in more sport fishing for species like GT, Dogtooth Tuna, Marlin and other Pelagics.

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exotic, game, jigging, lure, offshore, popper, saltwater, soft plastic lure, sport

Nomad Sportfishing is truly one of those once in a life type adventures that you have to do again and again!

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